
i'm not a i'll get myself improve.from all da things even smaller.from head to toe.hak2.i dunno how many people said 'poyo' to me when read dat statement aite.haha just forget it.tah ape ak mencarut tuh.wht i wanna say here is, i get a better improvement when i'm always play with dslr camera.what i said just 2 prove dat i'm just like a baby which is try to climb up da wall.yea2.wanie ko da pandai.haha.ok sorry hawa.i'm just using yours.haha.ape yg ak rase ble tbe2 pix yg ak amik 2 perfectly nice.omg.rase nk lompat2 je.eventhough klau profesional people tgk.aduhai.teruk least i'm trying to be better aite.wahh.for those yg ak t'capture neh ak mntk sorry sgt wehh.haha.but dun worry.ak xrse diorg akn mara.lets look at dis:

caught s0me of their happiness

what a messy kitchen i ever had?

same person.haha.

ok.enuf of dat.i will do more better improvement next tyme.s ya all.


hawa said...

nnt ak kahwin,ko tgkp time ak kat dapur jer eh.wahahhah

missy messy ;) said...

haha.apahal.ak nk tgkp ang dlm bilik mlm pertama.whee

hawa said...

no hal laa,demi kwn!