hari2 sedih

eh gonna show u somethin:

~berpakaian ihram haji ketika ini~

dia hero saya.saya sgt sayang dia.tapi Allah lagi sayang dia.baru2 ni dia meninggalkan saya.saya sgt sedih.eh apahal mcm iklan aiman xkesah neh.huhu.gonna tell u that dat was my grandpa.which is yg baru saja meninggal dunia di tanah suci Mekah pada 21 dec 2008.meninggal pada usia 89 tahun ketika dalam ihram haji di mekah.memang amat sedih kan.sebab beliau langsung xde menunjukkan tanda2 akan pergi selamanya ketika kami hantar beliau di tabung haji 28 nov yg lalu.eh.tapi sempat jugak ambik gmbr kenangan ngn beliau.uh.tapi xde pic aku sbb ak yg amik gmbr.sedihh!
eh nk cerita gak yang aku mmg sempat cium arwah sblm beliau pergi haji.sgt ingat kenangan tu.ahh.misss my grandpa.really2 much.Haji Omar Bin Majid.


ye.mmg busy.dah lah harta kesayanganku tu rosak.ish.laptop ku laa.urm tape2.nt ak akn kembali dgn cerita terkini.oh ya.nk cari kerja jugak.hope i can get it.bosan di rumah.haha.ok itu saja.tata ;)

forgive me ya!

tgh syok2 bermyspace td tbe2 teringat 1 story yg jd kt 1 person neh.tp xnk lah ungkit pasal cerita dia kn.cme moral of dat story jeh yg i nk ungkap.huhu.fer me it's a really meaningful story because it's always remind me to be careful in all words when i'm speak wif others expecially FRIENDS. care wif others feeling when speak to them.eventhough kte gurau pown, kte kne depends on their feelings jugak.jangan nk main redah je.someone can't except cara kte bergurau kan?tu yg buat kawan boleyh gaduh, n etc.huhu.honestly, i'm quite sensitive person.so for me 'gurauan' yg melampau ni boley je merosakkan hubungan each other kan.hurm. i am malaysian, so i've learned how to place myself in others malaysian which is live in a very cultural country.hurm.

kan alangkah bagusnye kalau semua boleh jadi macam ni kan?
here, wif all my pleasure.i hope ur apologie 2 me.expecially for who those being around me for whole my life.my family, kawan2 yg snggh rapat dgnku.i hope it.i kno maybe my words hurt u.ok hawa,chewe,kerd bot?really2 sorry.haha.apahal emo jeh.ntah.tp btol2 neh.hurm.

ok c ya again!

car license holder!

last weekend, i da kne bebel from my mom sbb mse dye kol on thursday tnye ade x pegi uma my auntie which is ank dye nk kawen last month ni.konon2 nye nk suruh tlg buat hantaran ke ape, i kate i xpegi.haha.xpasal2 kne dgr dye bebel.sanggup plak byr bil telefon semata-mata nk membebel tu.alah padahal my dad yg byr kn.so, dat weekend 2 i pegi la uma my auntie tuu.ingtkn kne tolong2 ke ape.tp tgk mcm dey all xstart ape2 lg,except kemas2 rumah laa kn.i tlg laa sket2.hehe then on sunday 2, auntie i 2 ajak laa ank2 dye pegi mengajak sedara2 n sahabat handai mereka kt area gombak n batu caves.disebabkn i akn tggl sorg klo xfollow, so i'm just following on je la dey all sume tuh.nk dijadikan cte, cousin i ni,before eid haritu dye da bli myvi.her car is soo nice(i like dat type of car sbenarye) bilelah my dad nk blikn i sebijik.haha.continue balik,tpkn until now she's never driving her car.so mase nk pegi gombak 2, abg dye pown cakaplah, smpai ble nk macam ni?nt klo dye da kawin(dat abglah yg nk kahwin 2) sape nk drive utk ibu n adik2.so, nk xnk my cousin ni drive laa.haha.buat pengetahuan sume, abg dye duduk laa sblh,in case ape2 hal nt dye boley laa nk tarik handbreak ke ape.tp lain plak yg jadi,abg dye membebel dr kluar kwsn rumah smpailah kt tempat dituju.mmg gle2 ah.ksian my cousin 2.driving dlm keadaan underpreasure.haha.da la yg ibu dye plak asek jerit2 kt blakang.risau sgt.but fer me, she's ok on her driving,but biasalah klau sgkut2 skit kn.ni antara ape yg abg dye bebel on dat tyme.
~klau da ikut lane tu go on jela, takpayah nk kekiri-kekanan~
~tukarlah gear 2 cpt, gear 1 ni xbley lame2 sgt~
~tgk ketiga2 side miror ni nk tgk kereta blakang ble nk msuk lane lain~
~make sure jarak kereta kte ngn kereta dpn jauh, in case klau jadi ape2~
ape tah lagi.aihh.da mcm test balik dgn jpj tuu.haha.mmg lpas je smpai destinasi, my cousin 2 tension laa.senyap je die.mse nk balik, dye terus xnk drive daa.haha.sian knn.xpela.i always standing behind u dear.go on wif ur practical wif ur beloved bf yaa.hehe.so nnt u can bring me along wif ur new myvi.hehe.chaiyook2!

so kepada license holder di luar sane, da moral of dis story, jgnlaa takut2 nk drive aftr u get da license 2 drive a car.klau x nnt da jd takut2 nk drive balik.hehe


such a really sucks day.pra-final exam aku pown terukk.tahlah tah ape nk jd.hahahah.padahal sendiri yg xstudy.hurm.just imagine dat we should answer all 80 mcq question in 2 hours.sempat tu mmg la smpt.tp bosan laa asek kne pk.pk n pk.haha.exam tu supposed to be finished at 4pm, but sbb adenye problem tah ape2.so exam tu habis dlm pkul 5.20.aish.ingtkn balik boley la nk bermimpi jap.harapan jela.urm.then,my fren pulak ajk p merayap tah kemana.disebabkn boring yg teramat luar biasa,so i'm just following them.act they bring me so that i could take their pix at that tyme.haha.ak xkesah pown.i like dat job really much.ok.so i'm just following them.mulenye nk pegi plaza low yatt jap.urm my phone ni buat hal ape tahh.urm wut da hell lah sume tu.terbang duit ak rm10.haha.berkira neh.so.aftr repairing my fon tu, ktorang lpak2 jap p mkn kt kopitiam.tah ape hebat tah tmpat tu.dorg ske.so aftr dat dorg pown start berjalan n berjalan dr times square to sungei wang to bb plaza to hard rock cafe(lalu depan je okeh?) to pavilion(hanya diluar) wahh.penat.so dis is da moment yg dpt i snap from 'em.

that was keding.hoho

us ;)

rest a while ;) chill

tqabo0t ;)

the tyme on dis laptop displaying 3.53a.m.and dats mean dat i should be on my bed ryte now.c ya again.hohoho ;)


i'm not a loser.so i'll get myself improve.from all da things even smaller.from head to toe.hak2.i dunno how many people said 'poyo' to me when read dat statement aite.haha just forget it.tah ape ak mencarut tuh.wht i wanna say here is, i get a better improvement when i'm always play with dslr camera.what i said just now.play.haha.yelah 2 prove dat i'm just like a baby which is try to climb up da wall.yea2.wanie ko da pandai.haha.ok sorry hawa.i'm just using yours.haha.ape yg ak rase ble tbe2 pix yg ak amik 2 perfectly nice.omg.rase nk lompat2 je.eventhough klau profesional people tgk.aduhai.teruk kott.xpela.at least i'm trying to be better aite.wahh.for those yg ak t'capture neh ak mntk sorry sgt wehh.haha.but dun worry.ak xrse diorg akn mara.lets look at dis:

caught s0me of their happiness

what a messy kitchen i ever had?

same person.haha.

ok.enuf of dat.i will do more better improvement next tyme.s ya all.